Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quiet funeral of Elizabeth Taylor

Is also part of her resting place of a good friend - a prince of pop Michael Jackson in the Forest Lawn Cemetery, Los Angeles.
Elizabeth Taylor's funeral was held quite discreetly and quietly in Los Angeles not long after she passed away information was spread. Funeral only a few dozen family members and friends.
Liz Taylor, which is very close you of Michael Jackson. When lost, she is even more close to the pop king's tomb by more than two people are in the same area in Forest Lawn Cemetery.
His sister, LaToya Jackson King of Pop to send a short message to the press, "Liz Taylor is an amazing woman and a legendary film unforgettable. She is a friend of his intimates tri my voice, she was beside him in many difficult times. She always encouraged, comforted the children of my brother and my whole family. Liz away but will live forever in our hearts. Please send to her family the deepest condolences! "
In those days, the film had the headline associated with female names from this account as Cleopatra or National Velvet, and the logo of the White Diamonds perfume familiar ... appears frequently on social networking sites, blogs of many stars as the legendary tribute to this film.
Kylie Minogue said: "Extremely mourn Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor ... Like white diamond is extremely pure, she will shine forever in our hearts."
Meanwhile, actor and composer Stephen Fry on Twitter wrote her back that: "The departure of Liz made me no less surprise or news on Michael Jackson has gone forever. Extremely mourn, Liz Oh! "
Also, the Queen of Pop Madonna said: "I am extremely surprised to hear of this great legend gone. I always loved and respected by Elizabeth Taylor is not only successful acting career, but also by the tireless dedication to social activities. She is a woman worthy of admiration for all of us. "
Roseanne Cash, daughter of legendary music hard Johnny Cash, the habits revealed very small but extremely lovely Cleopatra: "Each year, Elizabeth Taylor regularly send my father a telegram (yes , is not telegraph or telephone messages) on his birthday. She always writes: "Remember that my child better than you!". "
For many, Taylor's legendary beauty is the most impressive! "The world has lost a true icon of beauty - beauty both inside and outside," Victoria Beckham wrote on Twitter. "The world will remember Elizabeth Taylor for many years."

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